Which language is best for beginners?

          When we get into coding or we can say when we are about to get into coding many of us have the same question. Which language will be the best to start with? Which will benefit me the most? and these questions go on forever. Many says python is good and many says c/c++ is good as a beginner, but is that actually the case?
           If I tell about me I did the same thing during my first year of engineering. I was confused between python and c. And to be really honest I spend a lot of time to find the answers. And I don't want you'll to be spending time in finding the solution to it, because I think you can utilise that time in actual learning the language.
            So the answer is pretty simple, start with a language which is taught by your college. Its the best start we can imagine of. When you learn any language taught you in the college you get a better idea of what is actually happening and what to expect. If you go on YouTube and search 'Learning Python' than it won't be of great use because you agree or don't agree there are some fundamentals of coding, there is a walk-through which should be followed. I remember when I searched for learning python, the videos made no sense to me as I was searching randomly without knowing what to expect or the process of learning it. As you'll learn your first language you'll have a better understanding of fundamentals and the process of learning it. I hope that it solved your problem.